Our Partners

Extending learning opportunities and activities provides and environment for students to further grow academically.  Enrichment activities provide children with multiple opportunities to be engaged; making a real difference in the life of the school.

As part of our role to develop the “whole child”, enrichment gives children choice to tap into their interests.

Organizations play a vital role in our communities and neighborhoods, collaborating with schools like PS 6X - The West Farms School to positively impact student achievement and enrich school experiences. From chess, to Cookshop, to Class Dojo, to Urban Golf, we deeply value these partnerships for the wealth of resources and assets that they bring to our classrooms.

We partner with extraordinary and committed community based and non-profit organizations to cultivate a broad array of enrichment activities as well as promote a robust academic environment in our school.

Many of these programs have the flexibility to work across an array of grades and learning levels.  

All of our program partners are evaluated through an extensive rubric that measures organizational stability, DOE track record, quality and depth of activities, as well as their compatibility with our core values and teaching practices.

Most of our multi-day residencies take place during the school day (with the exception of our after-school program) and are implemented to support the existing curriculum.